DNS Exercise 3.1: Setting up a domain ===================================== In this exercise, you will create a new domain, _something_.afnog.nog-oc.org. You will create master nameservice on your own machine, and someone else will setup their machine to be a slave server for your domain. Then you will ask the administrator for the domain above you (afnog.nog-oc.org) to delegate your domain to you. * IMPORTANT! Yesterday we configured unbound as a cache that would * respond to DNS requests from other clients in the AfNOG network. * * In this exercise we want to configure an authoritative server for * clients throughout the world to send queries to, using BIND9. * * We can't have both unbound and BIND9 listening on the same port on * the same addresses. So we will restrict unbound just to listen to * localhost, and BIND9 just to live on other interfaces. Recall that the default behaviour of unbound was just to listen on localhost -- we had to add configuration to make it listen to other interfaces, which we will now remove: > # rm /etc/unbound/unbound.conf.d/clients.conf Then we will restart unbound: > # service unbound restart And check that it is still running: > # unbound-control status We are now ready to start! Exercise -------- * Choose a new domain, write it here: `___________________.afnog.nog-oc.org` (Do not choose any of the pc names, e.g. `pc23`, as your subdomain, because that would be confusing) * Install BIND9: # apt-get install bind9 * Start BIND9 and check for any errors # service bind9 start * Check the log file to see that BIND9 started well. # tail -f -n 100 /var/log/syslog * We need to disable BIND9 from being recursive by opening the file /etc/bind/named.conf.options and adding the the line to disable recursion # vi /etc/bind/named.conf.options * Then add "recursion no;" after the line "listen-on-v6 { any; };" the last 3 lines of new configuration file will look as below; auth-nxdomain no; # conform to RFC1035 listen-on-v6 { any; }; recursion no; }; * Restart bind for this changes to take effect # service bind9 reload * Run a test to see if recursion is disabled $ dig @pcXX.sse.ws.afnog.org freebsd.org NS * The result should include "WARNING: recursion requested but not available" * Find someone who will agree to be slave for your domain. You must choose someone on a DIFFERENT table to you. (Remember RFC2182: secondaries must be on remote networks). You can have more than one slave if you wish. * Create your zone file in `/var/cache/bind/master/xxxxx.afnog.nog-oc.org` (where xxxxxx is your chosen domain). You will need to be root (use sudo) for this to work. You will also need to create the directory /var/cache/bind/master (/var/cache/bind is already there). > $TTL 10m > @ IN SOA pcXX.sse.ws.afnog.org. yourname.example.com. ( > 2009051200 ; Serial > 10m ; Refresh > 10m ; Retry > 4w ; Expire > 10m ) ; Negative > > IN NS pcXX.sse.ws.afnog.org. ; master > IN NS pcYY.sse.ws.afnog.org. ; slave > > www IN A 196.200.219.X ; your own IP Replace `yourname.example.com.` with your home E-mail address, changing "@" in the e-mail address to "." and adding a "." to the end. Don't just copy and paste the text above! If your zone file contains spaces and ">" characters at the beginning of each line, you will have problems! We have chosen purposely low values for TTL, refresh, and retry to make it easier to fix problems in the classroom. For a production domain you would use higher values, e.g. `$TTL 1d` * Edit `/etc/bind/named.conf.local` to configure your machine as master for your domain (see slides for information how to do this). # vi /etc/bind/named.conf.local * Once file has opened define your Master zone in the named.conf.local similar to the below and save zone "xxxxxx.afnog.nog-oc.org" { type master; file "master/xxxxx.afnog.nog-oc.org"; allow-transfer { 196.200.219.X; }; }; * Save the file and exit * For those who are slave servers for Others, edit the configurations on /etc/bind/named.conf.local to configure your machine as slave for Others # vi /etc/bind/named.conf.local * Once the file has opened define the Slave zone, you are hosting, in the named.conf.local similar to the below and save. zone "xxxxxx.afnog.nog-oc.org" { type slave; masters { 196.200.219.X; }; file "slave/xxxxxx.afnog.nog-oc.org"; allow-transfer { none; }; }; * Remember that the slaves do not need to create the zone file (as was the case for the master) as this will be downloaded automatically from the master * Check that your config file and zone file are valid, and then reload the nameserver daemon: # named-checkconf # named-checkzone xxxxx.afnog.nog-oc.org. \ /var/cache/bind/master/xxxxx.afnog.nog-oc.org. * If there are any errors, correct them* # rndc reload # tail /var/log/syslog * If there are any errors, correct them*. Some configuration errors can cause the daemon to die completely, in which case you may have to start it again: # service bind9 reload * Assist your slaves to configure themselves as slave for your domain, and configure yourself as a slave if asked to do so by another table. Again, the instructions for how to do this are on the slides. If you have changed your `named.conf` so that you are a slave for someone else, make sure there are no errors in `/var/log/syslog` after you do `rndc reload`. * Check that you and your slaves are giving authoritative answers for your domain: # dig +norec @pcXX.sse.ws.afnog.org xxxxx.afnog.nog-oc.org. soa # dig +norec @pcYY.sse.ws.afnog.org xxxxx.afnog.nog-oc.org. soa Check that you get an AA (authoritative answer) from both, and that the serial numbers match. * Now you are ready to request delegation. Bring the following information to the classroom instructor: Domain name: ___________________.afnog.nog-oc.org. Master nameserver: pc____.sse.ws.afnog.org Slave nameserver: pc____.sse.ws.afnog.org Slave nameserver: pc____.sse.ws.afnog.org (optional) Slave nameserver: pc____.sse.ws.afnog.org (optional) * You will not get delegation until the instructor has checked: - Your nameservers are all authoritative for your domain - They all have the same SOA serial number - The NS records within the zone match the list of servers you are requesting delegation for - The slave(s) are not on the same desk as you * Once you have delegation, try to resolve www.xxxxx.afnog.nog-oc.org.: - On your own machine - On someone else's machine (who is not slave for you) - On a machine elsewhere on the Internet, if you have access to one - Using Google Public DNS, * Add a new resource record to your zone file. Remember to update the serial number. Check that your slaves have updated. Try resolving this new name from elsewhere.