Ansible Excersise : ------------------- Excesise 1: working with inventory ---------------------------------- * install ansible and sshpass "ssh with arguments": sshpass allows you to pass password to ssh connection as an argument # apt-get install ansible sshpass * please edit your ansible.cfg file to ignore the SSH authenticity checking # vi /etc/ansible.cfg search for [defaults] and write this : [defaults] host_key_checking = False ------ to use cowsay in ansible "for more fun" , uncomment this line : cow_selection=random * open your inventory file and add your class groups as shown : # vi /etc/ansible/hosts and add the following : [me] localhost [group1] [group2] pc[5:8] [group3] pc[9:12] [group4] pc[13:16] [group5] pc[17:20] [group6] pc[21:24] [group7] pc[25:28] [group8] pc[29:32] # setting user name and password that ansible going to use for all groups [fqdn] pc[21:24] pc[13:14] pc[16:19] pc[7:10] [all:vars] ansible_ssh_user=afnog ansible_ssh_pass=SSE@Success! # save and quit your hosts file * Copy the Public Key # ssh-copy-id * Repeat the same process for other machines you wish to login automatically with. -------------------------------------------------- Excesise 2: working with ansible ad-hoc commands -------------------------------------------------- * check all my inventory hosts are ready to be managed by Ansible # ansible all -m ping * collect and display the discovered facts for the localhost # ansible localhost -m setup # ansible -m setup -a "filter=*ipv4“ * excute echo in remote hosts : # ansible all -m shell -a "echo hi its YourName > /home/afnog/YourName.txt" -b * run the uptime command on all hosts in the group 2 group # ansible group2 -m command -a "uptime“ * fetch hard drives utilization # ansible -m command -a 'df -h’ * remove telnet package from remote servers on group1: ansible group1 -m apt -a "name=telnet state=absent" -b -------------------------------------------------- Excesise 3: working with ansible play-books -------------------------------------------------- create a new .yaml file with name mypcX.yaml and write tasks to: - task to install cowsay pakage - task to configure apache and create a new virtual host with the name - task to create a new document root directory for the new virtual host under name - task to create a simple website in the new created document root --------------------------------------------- 1) task to install cowsay pakage : # vi mypcX.yaml --- - hosts: groupX tasks: - name: install COWSAY become: yes apt: name: cowsay state: latest save and quit then run your playbook : # ansible-playbook mypcX.yaml -b --------------------------------------------------- 2) task to configure apache and create a new virtual host with the name edit your mypcX.yaml and add the folowing : # vi mypcX.yaml - name: Configuring Virtual-Host become: yes template: src: pcX-vhost.j2 dest: "/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/wwwX.{{ ansible_fqdn }}.conf" notify: restart apache2 handlers: - name: restart apache2 become: yes service : name: apache2 state: restarted save and quit create the pcX-vhost.j2 file and add the virtual host configuration : # vi pcX-vhost.j2 DocumentRoot /var/www/html/wwwX.{{ ansible_fqdn }} ServerName wwwX.{{ ansible_fqdn }} ;; save and quit the file - now run your playbook # ansible-playbook mypcX.yaml -b ----------------------------------------------------- 3) task to create a new document root directory for the new virtual host under name # vi mypcX.yaml - name: creating the Document Root Dir become: yes file: path: /var/www/html/wwwX.{{ ansible_fqdn }} state: directory -------------------------------------------------------- creating a new index file in your document root # vi mypcX.yaml - name: creating index file : become: yes template: src: index.j2 dest: /var/www/html/wwwX.{{ ansible_fqdn }}/index.html save and quit your file - create the index.j2 template and add the folowing in it "replace X with your number" , just copy and paste the code : # vi index.j2 ; start copy from here :

this is SSE Class 2019 and WE ARE playing ANSIBLE ^_^

this is " pcX.{{ ansible_domain }} " playing on " {{ ansible_fqdn }} " ^_^

i just hosted my wwwX website in {{ ansible_nodename }} server with its {{ ansible_fqdn }} domain :P


   SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS    SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE      222222222222222         000000000       1111111     999999999
 SS:::::::::::::::S SS:::::::::::::::SE::::::::::::::::::::E     2:::::::::::::::22     00:::::::::00    1::::::1   99:::::::::99
S:::::SSSSSS::::::SS:::::SSSSSS::::::SE::::::::::::::::::::E     2::::::222222:::::2  00:::::::::::::00 1:::::::1 99:::::::::::::99
S:::::S     SSSSSSSS:::::S     SSSSSSSEE::::::EEEEEEEEE::::E     2222222     2:::::2 0:::::::000:::::::0111:::::19::::::99999::::::9
S:::::S            S:::::S              E:::::E       EEEEEE                 2:::::2 0::::::0   0::::::0   1::::19:::::9     9:::::9
S:::::S            S:::::S              E:::::E                              2:::::2 0:::::0     0:::::0   1::::19:::::9     9:::::9
 S::::SSSS          S::::SSSS           E::::::EEEEEEEEEE                 2222::::2  0:::::0     0:::::0   1::::1 9:::::99999::::::9
  SS::::::SSSSS      SS::::::SSSSS      E:::::::::::::::E            22222::::::22   0:::::0 000 0:::::0   1::::l  99::::::::::::::9
    SSS::::::::SS      SSS::::::::SS    E:::::::::::::::E          22::::::::222     0:::::0 000 0:::::0   1::::l    99999::::::::9
       SSSSSS::::S        SSSSSS::::S   E::::::EEEEEEEEEE         2:::::22222        0:::::0     0:::::0   1::::l         9::::::9
            S:::::S            S:::::S  E:::::E                  2:::::2             0:::::0     0:::::0   1::::l        9::::::9
            S:::::S            S:::::S  E:::::E       EEEEEE     2:::::2             0::::::0   0::::::0   1::::l       9::::::9
SSSSSSS     S:::::SSSSSSSS     S:::::SEE::::::EEEEEEEE:::::E     2:::::2       2222220:::::::000:::::::0111::::::111   9::::::9
S::::::SSSSSS:::::SS::::::SSSSSS:::::SE::::::::::::::::::::E     2::::::2222222:::::2 00:::::::::::::00 1::::::::::1  9::::::9
S:::::::::::::::SS S:::::::::::::::SS E::::::::::::::::::::E     2::::::::::::::::::2   00:::::::::00   1::::::::::1 9::::::9
 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS    SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS   EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE     22222222222222222222     000000000     11111111111199999999

$$\     $$\                                    $$\     $$\
\$$\   $$  |                                   \$$\   $$  |
 \$$\ $$  /$$$$$$\   $$$$$$\   $$$$$$\   $$$$$$\\$$\ $$  /
  \$$$$  / \____$$\  \____$$\  \____$$\  \____$$\\$$$$  /
   \$$  /  $$$$$$$ | $$$$$$$ | $$$$$$$ | $$$$$$$ |\$$  /
    $$ |  $$  __$$ |$$  __$$ |$$  __$$ |$$  __$$ | $$ |
    $$ |  \$$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$$ | $$ |
    \__|   \_______| \_______| \_______| \_______| \__|

Choose a Background Color:

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; save and quit your file run your playbook: # ansible-playbook mypcX.yaml -b in your browser check your new created website ^_^ use your partners domain : -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$\ $$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ _____| $$ __$$\ $$ | $$ / \__|$$ / \__|$$ | $$ / \__|$$ | $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ \$$$$$$\ \$$$$$$\ $$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$ | $$ | \____$$\ $$ _____|$$ _____| \____$$\ \____$$\ $$ __|\______|$$ | $$ | $$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$\ \$$$$$$\ $$\ $$ |$$\ $$ |$$ | $$ | $$\ $$ |$$ __$$ | \____$$\ \____$$\ \$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$ |$$$$$$$$\ \$$$$$$ |$$ |\$$$$$$$ |$$$$$$$ |$$$$$$$ | \______/ \______/ \________| \______/ \__| \_______|\_______/ \_______/ Appendices: ----------- ----------- ### full mypcX.yaml file : --- - hosts: tasks: - name: installing cowsay package apt: name: cowsay state: latest - name: create virtual host file template: src=pcX-vhost.j2 dest=/etc/apache2/sites-available/wwwX.{{ ansible_fqdn }}.conf - name: a2ensite wwwX.{{ ansible_fqdn }} command: a2ensite wwwX.{{ ansible_fqdn }} args: creates: /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/wwwX.{{ ansible_fqdn }}.conf notify: - restart apache2 - name: create the root directory file: path: /var/www/html/wwwX.{{ ansible_fqdn }} state: directory - name: creating index file become: yes template: src: index.j2 dest: /var/www/html/wwwX.{{ ansible_fqdn }}/index.html handlers: - name: restart apache2 service: name: apache2 state: restarted ------------------------------------------------------ #### full pcX-vhost.j2 file ##### DocumentRoot /var/www/html/wwwX.{{ ansible_fqdn }} ServerName wwwX.{{ ansible_fqdn }} --------------------------------------------------- #### full index.j2 file ####

this is SSE Class 2019 and WE ARE playing ANSIBLE ^_^

this is "pcX.{{ ansible_domain }} " playing on " {{ ansible_fqdn }} " ^_^

i just hosted my wwwX website in {{ ansible_nodename }} server with its {{ ansible_fqdn }} domain :P


   SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS    SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE      222222222222222         000000000       1111111     999999999
 SS:::::::::::::::S SS:::::::::::::::SE::::::::::::::::::::E     2:::::::::::::::22     00:::::::::00    1::::::1   99:::::::::99
S:::::SSSSSS::::::SS:::::SSSSSS::::::SE::::::::::::::::::::E     2::::::222222:::::2  00:::::::::::::00 1:::::::1 99:::::::::::::99
S:::::S     SSSSSSSS:::::S     SSSSSSSEE::::::EEEEEEEEE::::E     2222222     2:::::2 0:::::::000:::::::0111:::::19::::::99999::::::9
S:::::S            S:::::S              E:::::E       EEEEEE                 2:::::2 0::::::0   0::::::0   1::::19:::::9     9:::::9
S:::::S            S:::::S              E:::::E                              2:::::2 0:::::0     0:::::0   1::::19:::::9     9:::::9
 S::::SSSS          S::::SSSS           E::::::EEEEEEEEEE                 2222::::2  0:::::0     0:::::0   1::::1 9:::::99999::::::9
  SS::::::SSSSS      SS::::::SSSSS      E:::::::::::::::E            22222::::::22   0:::::0 000 0:::::0   1::::l  99::::::::::::::9
    SSS::::::::SS      SSS::::::::SS    E:::::::::::::::E          22::::::::222     0:::::0 000 0:::::0   1::::l    99999::::::::9
       SSSSSS::::S        SSSSSS::::S   E::::::EEEEEEEEEE         2:::::22222        0:::::0     0:::::0   1::::l         9::::::9
            S:::::S            S:::::S  E:::::E                  2:::::2             0:::::0     0:::::0   1::::l        9::::::9
            S:::::S            S:::::S  E:::::E       EEEEEE     2:::::2             0::::::0   0::::::0   1::::l       9::::::9
SSSSSSS     S:::::SSSSSSSS     S:::::SEE::::::EEEEEEEE:::::E     2:::::2       2222220:::::::000:::::::0111::::::111   9::::::9
S::::::SSSSSS:::::SS::::::SSSSSS:::::SE::::::::::::::::::::E     2::::::2222222:::::2 00:::::::::::::00 1::::::::::1  9::::::9
S:::::::::::::::SS S:::::::::::::::SS E::::::::::::::::::::E     2::::::::::::::::::2   00:::::::::00   1::::::::::1 9::::::9
 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS    SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS   EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE     22222222222222222222     000000000     11111111111199999999

$$\     $$\                                    $$\     $$\
\$$\   $$  |                                   \$$\   $$  |
 \$$\ $$  /$$$$$$\   $$$$$$\   $$$$$$\   $$$$$$\\$$\ $$  /
  \$$$$  / \____$$\  \____$$\  \____$$\  \____$$\\$$$$  /
   \$$  /  $$$$$$$ | $$$$$$$ | $$$$$$$ | $$$$$$$ |\$$  /
    $$ |  $$  __$$ |$$  __$$ |$$  __$$ |$$  __$$ | $$ |
    $$ |  \$$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$$ | $$ |
    \__|   \_______| \_______| \_______| \_______| \__|

Choose a Background Color: